Are you a parent looking to protect your children from Snapchat’s dangers? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Before snapping off your child’s Snapchat account, here are some tips you should follow. This app is not for the faint of heart. If you’re worried that your child will be exposed to inappropriate content, consider setting a filter on the app. If you use the app with your children, make sure that you limit the number of contacts you add. Having too many friends on a chat app can make you vulnerable to unwanted attention and oversharing.
Although the majority of the messages on Snapchat are sent in a fun, frivolous manner, there are also some dangers you should be aware of. Snapchat’s most prominent feature is the ability to self-destruct photos. This has led some online communities and parents’ groups to flag it as a potential tool for sexting and cyberbullying. If you want to protect your children from these dangers, you should talk to them before they download the app.
The most significant danger of Snapchat is the fact that content posted on the app can come back to haunt you. Children often have little or no awareness of the ramifications of their actions, but content that disappears on Snapchat can be saved by other users. These dangers are exacerbated by the fact that anyone with access to Snapchat can screen-capture a Snap and share it on the web. Snapchat is an incredible way to share ideas and pictures with your friends, but it should never be used to send sexual or racy messages.