Before you can start building your skills for Alexa, you need a backend that can be hosted. You can host your skill on a platform of your choice, such as a WordPress or Drupal website, or even use an HTTP(S) API endpoint on AWS Lambda. After the backend is built, you will need to choose an Alexa development platform to deploy and maintain your skill. Here are some tips for developing skills for Alexa.
The first step in creating an Alexa skill is to go to the Amazon Developer Portal. In the top navigation, click on Apps & Services. Once there, look for the Alexa section. Here, you can see a list of all Alexa skills and add your own. Make sure to check that all sections have a green checkmark. If you don’t see a checkmark, that means that you are missing the required fields.
Another important step in creating Alexa skills is to determine which tool set is best for you. While cross-platform tools are a good option, they can also be restrictive. As the number of Alexa users grows, the market for skills is growing rapidly. To get started, learn the fundamentals of developing skills for Alexa. And remember that Alexa is growing in popularity every day, so take advantage of this opportunity to create a skill that your customers will love.
A second important step in building an Alexa skills business is to choose a language. The most common languages are English, French, and German. These two languages represent the bulk of Alexa users. However, if you choose to build an English-language skill, you will likely be limited in the languages you can develop for them. For example, if your target market is a German speaker, you might want to consider adding a Spanish-language skill.